International Faculty
Dr. Nay AUNG
Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom
Dr. Ssu-Yuan CHEN
Division of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation, Fu Jen Catholic University Hospital, Taiwan
Dr. Mohammad FALLAH
"Aviation Medicine" Department, Iran Air Medical Center, Iran
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Prof. Diederick E. GROBBEE
Professor of Clinical Epidemiology, University Medical Center Utrecht, The Netherlands
Rehabilitation Medicine Center Samitivej Srinakarin Hospital, Thailand
Prof. Tony KEECH
School of Medicine, The University of Sydney, Australia
Dr. Yutaka KIMURA
Health Science Center, Kansai Medical University, Japan
Dr. Shintaro KINUGAWA
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Faculty of Medicine and Graduate School of Medicine, Hokkaido University, Japan
Prof. Patrick MARK
University of Glasgow, United Kingdom
Dr. Mohamad Yatim SAARI
Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Hospital Serdang, Malaysia
Dr. Hirokazu SHIRAISHI
Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Japan
Dr. Swee Yaw TAN
Department of Cardiology, National Heart Centre, Singapore
Dr. Farzaneh TORKAN
Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine Department, Shefa Research Center, Iran
Dr. Tee Joo YEO
Department of Cardiology, National University of Heart Centre, Singapore
Local Faculty
Dr. Ronnie Hiu-Lam CHAN |
Prof. Leonard Sheung-Wai LI |
(Updated as of 28 August 2018)