The Scientific Programme Committee of the 7th Asian Preventive Cardiology & Cardiac Rehabilitation Conference (APCCRC) cum 11th Certificate Course in Cardiac Rehabilitation welcomes the submission of abstracts for oral or poster presentation. Please read carefully the following instructions to submit your abstract.
Event Dates: | 8-11 November 2018 |
Extended Submission Deadline: | 15 August 2018 |
Notification Date: | Early September |
Submission | Online submission system has been closed. |
Lucky Draw For Abstract Submission
If you fulfil the following requirements, you will have a chance to WIN an iPhone X:
- Submit an abstract before 1 Aug 2018
- Abstract is accepted as poster/oral presentation
- Present your abstract at the conference
The winner will be announced immediately at the closing ceremony. If the winner is not present and collect the prize in person at the drawing, the claim to the prize will be forfeited.
*The Hong Kong College of Cardiology reserves the right to amend and to terminate this activity without prior notice and the final decision on all matters of disputes.
Presenters are requested to submit the abstract via the official website www.apccrc.com. Presenters are allowed to submit more than one abstract. Abstract submission must be done via the online submission system. All free paper presenters are required to pre-register to the Conference to present their works.
Categories of Abstracts
Oral and poster abstracts reporting original research findings are invited.
All presenting authors are eligible for a 50% discount on their registration fee.
Best Paper Awards
Abstract submitters will have to mention whether they wish their abstracts to be included in the Best Paper Competition. Details of different awards are as follows:
- Two Best Paper Awards: Abstracts accepted for oral presentations will be shortlisted for the competition of the Dr. Chu-Pak Lau Best Paper Award (for preventive cardiology) and Dr. Suet-Ting Lau Best Paper Award (for cardiac rehabilitation). The two award winners will be awarded a certificate and cash prize of HK$1,000.
- A National Best Paper Award with a cash prize of HK$1,000 and a certificate will be awarded to an abstract fulfilling the following criteria :
- at least 10 abstracts have been submitted from a country; AND
- the abstract submitted from that country with the highest score. - Best Poster Award with a cash prize of HK$1,000 and a certificate will be awarded to the top poster. A poster presentation session will be arranged during the Conference.
Preparation & Submission
- Abstracts must be written in English.
- The content should be structured as follows:
i) Objectives
ii) Methods
iii) Results
iv) Conclusion
v) Keywords (optional / maximum 6 keywords) - Please clearly type the title of the abstract in Initial Capital / lower case, e.g. Inaugural Asian Preventive Cardiology & Cardiac Rehabilitation Conference. The title should be brief and descriptive (two lines maximum).
- Type name(s) of author(s) with initials first (e.g. ATM Chan) immediately below the abstract title. Omit degrees, titles and institutional appointments. UNDERLINE the name of the presenting author.
- Abstracts are limited to 1,950 characters (about 300-350 words). This includes the text body of the abstract but not the study title or authors. It is recommended to use a computer-generated, Times New Roman, 12-point font, with double-line spacing. Simple tables or graphs (in black and white only) may be included. Tables should supplement, but not duplicate, the text. Abstracts will be reproduced exactly as submitted.
- Abbreviations should be kept to a minimum and must be explained when they first appear; after first use, abbreviations alone may be used. Standard abbreviations should be used for all measurements (SI units).
- Please make sure that all the information is correct and that your abstract does not contain spelling mistake as no correction will be made by the editor. The author should not make any changes in the proofs, except for corrections of editorial errors, if any, and/or correction of typesetter's errors.
- Finally, authors should make no claims of priority in their manuscripts.
Disclosure of Interest
Employees of industry may not evaluate or comment about the products of a competitor. A commercial name should not be part of a manuscript title. Please indicate information about grants at the bottom of the page, if applicable.
Method of Submission
Submission via online submission only (Submission by email, fax or post will not be accepted).
All complete submission will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. The evaluation of the abstracts will be based on the scientific value, novelty of information and the quality of data presentation.
Notification of Acceptance
Submissions will be acknowledged within 3 working days. The notification of acceptance or rejection will be sent to the abstract submitter’s email address by August. Acceptance, however, is conditional on registration; if registration is not completed by 20 September 2018, the abstract will be considered withdrawn and deleted from the programme. Submission of an abstract is a formal commitment to present it during the Conference and accept its publication, in case of acceptance by the Scientific Programme Committee.
- All accepted abstracts will be published in the official journal of the Hong Kong College of Cardiology and the Conference Final Programme.
- Manuscripts submitted to this journal must not be under simultaneous consideration by any other publication and should not have been published elsewhere in substantially similar form.
Submitted abstracts should not have been presented in the Asia region prior to this meeting. Abstracts presented previously at other international meetings outside the Asia region are acceptable.
The author is responsible for all material presented in a paper. The journal disclaims all responsibility for such material. No product or service advertised in this publication is guaranteed or warranted either by the Editors or publisher. Neither the Editors nor publisher guarantee any claims made by a manufacturer or an author in regard to a product or service. If a trademark item is named, the name(s) and address(es) of the manufacturer(s) or supplier(s), in addition to the generic name, should be foot-noted.
Should you have any question regarding abstract submission, please contact our abstract handling team at:
Tel: (852) 2559 9973
Email: apccrc@icc.com.hk
Conference Secretariat
APCCRC 2018 Conference Secretariat
c/o International Conference Consultants Ltd
Tel: (852) 2559 9973
Fax: (852) 2547 9528
Email: apccrc@icc.com.hk