
Ms. Andrea CHAN
Registered Dietitian, Hong Kong

Andrea is a registered dietitian (RD, CDR, USA). She has been practicing as a clinical dietitian & diabetes educator in North America and subsequently in Hong Kong. Her particular interested area of practice includes clinical nutrition therapy in prevention and management of metabolic syndromes and related diseases.



Evidence-based Review on Intermittent Fasting Diet

Nutrition management is essential in reducing risks of cardiovascular events. Long term studies show the effectiveness in improving biomarkers of at-risk populations. Among the popular dietary approaches, the Mediterranean diet, plant-based diet and the DASH diet are best known and well researched diets with proven effectiveness.

Intermittent fasting is another dietary approach that has gained popularity in recent years. Many consider it an unconventional yet practical approach, as there are different alterations and variations in which one can apply. In this session, I will introduce this dietary approach and review the available clinical outcomes of short-term studies. While outcomes appear promising in some short-term studies, adherence can be challenging and long-term clinical outcomes are still under way. To prevent adverse events, individuals’ current health and situation should be considered before implementing intermittent fasting diet.

